ExchangeGuard Group Insurance

Cotizaciones y Compra: 个人 Group
ExchangeGuard Group Insurance

ExchangeGuard Group insurance is for groups of five or more traveling outside of their home country for studying, researching, teaching, or participating in a cultural exchange program in the U.S.

This plan provides coverage for medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, and repatriation of remains to meet the requirements for J visa holders.

There are two plan options to choose from. ExchangeGuard Group Choice has a 6-month waiting period for pre-existing conditions. ExchangeGuard Group Essential has a 12-month waiting period for pre-existing conditions.

ExchangeGuard Group offers policy maximum options of $100,000, $250,000, or $500,000. The deductible options are $0, $100, $250, or $500.

You must hold a valid F-1/F-2/F-3 visa or J1/J2 visa to be eligible for this plan. The host country must be the U.S., you must be outside your home country, and you must not have established a resident status in your country of study. You may need a copy of your visa or other immigration documents to prove your eligibility for ExchangeGuard Group insurance.

ExchangeGuard Group insurance is underwritten by Lloyd's, and is rated A "Excellent" by A.M. Best.

ExchangeGuard Group will cover COVID-19 (coronavirus) treatment just like any other new medical condition that occurs after the effective date of the policy.

Detalles del Plan

保险直接结算: 通过 United Healthcare PPO 网络或

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Los precios están regulados por la ley.

Usted no puede encontrar un precio más bajo en cualquier lugar para el mismo producto.

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Cotizaciones Instantáneas y Compra para el Seguro de Estudiantes, Viajes y Visitantes.